Kalsi Engineering, Inc. has a long-standing commitment to quality which continues to shape and improve our organization. In 1978, Kalsi Engineering was founded to provide consulting engineering services in the areas of research and development, design, analysis, and testing of mechanical equipment and structures. Based on the past experience of the founder, Dr. M.S. Kalsi, and the firm’s first employees, Kalsi Engineering provided valve and actuator consulting services to the nuclear industry. To support this work, KEI developed its first Quality Assurance program in 1987. This program conformed to Title 10 CFR (US Code of Federal Regulations) Part 50, Appendix B — Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants. This program remains the cornerstone of our nuclear industry safety related valve and actuator services.
The quality procedures for the Kalsi-brand Rotary Seal product line were guided by this program for many years. As part of our continual improvement efforts, we determined that a more product focused quality program should be adopted to support the Kalsi Seal product line. Early in 2013, we embarked on the path of becoming an ISO registered company. That process culminated in being awarded our rotary seal product-related ISO 9001:2008 registration on October 2, 2013.
The implementation of our ISO 9001:2008 quality program allowed us to streamline many processes while maintaining the high level of quality our rotary seal product line is known for. Multiple audits are conducted each year to ensure adherence to this program. In 2018, Kalsi Engineering completed the next step in our quality journey by obtaining certification for the newer ISO 9001:2015 standard. Due to the fundamental difference in the focus of the two ISO programs, a significant effort was required to restructure our quality program to meet the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
Since obtaining our ISO 9001:2015 certification, Kalsi Engineering has been able to achieve higher levels of product quality, improved productivity, enhanced accuracy of business processes, and improved risk management. In addition to these achievements, it has also allowed us to better meet the needs of our customers and stakeholders.
Kalsi Engineering is committed to providing rotary seals and consulting services that exceed the highest quality standards and demands of the many clients and industries we serve.