Reverse Circulation Drilling Swivel Seals

Kalsi Seals in Cement Swivels
Deep Foundations Contractors, Inc. of Ontario, Canada has been providing innovative products and services to the heavy construction industry since 1971. They first implemented Kalsi Seals in their cement swivels in 2005, replacing another well known brand of rotary seal that was not providing satisfactory life. By mid-2006, they decided there was a need to incorporate better bearings into the cement swivels, so the bearings would last as long as the Kalsi-brand rotary seals. After a number of years of experience, Deep Foundations Contractors reports that they are getting 1,800 hours of sealing life in the cement swivel, compared to less than 300 hours with a competitor’s rotary seal.
Kalsi Seals in Rotary Swivels for Reverse Circulation Drilling
Based on the success of Kalsi Seals in cement swivels, Deep Foundations Contractors approached Kalsi Engineering in 2006 to provide the rotary seals for a new air/water swivel in a reverse circulation drilling machine they were redesigning. The next year they reported “Our air/water swivels (two units) have performed beyond expectations (no problems to date). The operators like the fact that they require no maintenance and they do not leak!” The compressor air pressure in these reverse circulation swivels ranges from 120 to 350 psi, and the water flow rate varies from 0 to 6 gpm. The seal lubricant is hydraulic fluid circulating at 500 psi.
After several years of experience with the new reverse circulation drilling machine design, Deep Foundations Contractors reports that they are getting 1,800 hours of sealing life with it, compared to less than 150 hours life with the purchased unit they had been using, which employed greased seal assemblies. For available seal sizes, see our shaft seal catalog. Contact our staff for engineering assistance.
(Photo and data courtesy of Deep Foundations Contractors, Inc.)